Off to the graduation (and to hear the President give the graduation address) now- it is a beautiful day in Annapolis.
Graduation was brilliant- the mids threw their hats into the air and the President gave a good speech (and shook every hand- my nephew has touched a President!). After graduation, I was thinking about next week; I am supposed to be one of three from Central Massachusetts testifying on Wednesday's hearing on the new mental health bill, which finishes last years work on reforming mental health care outside of the Medicaid system. This is the notice we got from the campaign.
Collateral Contacts Hearing on Wednesday, May 27
Next Wednesday, the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Committee will hear testimony on H 3586, An Act Relative to the Coordination of Children's Mental Health Care.
This bill is the Children's Mental Health Campaign's top legislative priority for the 2009-2010 session.
Click here for more information about the bill.
The hearing will take place at 1:00 pm in Room A2 of the State House.
The hearing is open to the public and all are welcome to come.
If you are interested in submitting testimony, please contact Matt Noyes at 617-275-2939 or
I can think of many reasons to pass this legislation, but the most important is to recognize that coordination of care is the most important part of dealing with children's mental health; without it, too many pieces of the system work at cross purposed. If you have thought or insights on this that you would like me to share, leave a comment and I'll incorporate it into my testimony.