Got up on Tuesday, picked up the U-Haul truck, loaded it with some furniture and boxes (with a bit of help from my brother Peter) and traveled the Northeast Corridor until arriving at our one-bedroom flat in SW DC. We spent the better part of Wednesday unpacking- the kitchen is almost set up, the flaws of the apartment are becoming apparent (the leak under the sink, for example), but it is starting to feel like home. Then, hungry and tired, we stumbled down 6th St. to
Cantina Marina, a little pub on the water just off of the Potomac. We were definitely in DC; helicopters flew up and down the river, looking very important, planes landed at National (aka Reagan) airport, and the cicadas were chirping loudly in the trees. Then we stopped at the neighborhood Safeway to pick up some groceries, and were told to "Be Safe" by the woman checking us out. Perhaps there are some things about the neighborhood that I still need to learn.
So, for the next year, I will be commenting on Children's Mental Health reform in Massachusetts from a distance. It's good to be here.