Doesn't excuse a mistake, but does give it a bit of context. As we have been thinking about budget cuts, it is appropriate in these troubled times to try to keep the systems going at full steam. Sometimes one has to settle for minimizing the losses.
Also, my favorite political website (fivethirtyeight.com) says that health care reform is moving to the front of the political agenda while the AIG football is bouncing around the 24/7 News field. Interesting times, that affect our work in a big way.
Finally, I am recommending that everyone read James K. Gailbraith Sr. classic book: The Great Crash and his son's recent article in the Washington Monthly to have some understanding of what is happening at the macro-economic level. We have to get a handle on the background to make health reform happen now- but it is ultimately part of the solution to the whole mess.
Tough times, tough budget. Lots of work to do.