For those frustrated with how hard it is to change things, it can pe useful to take the "long" view, as the Commonwealth Fund in this map. Overall, Massachusetts ranks fourth in the country in "Child Health Systems". Sounds pretty good, doesn't it? But the nice thing about the map is that, if you click on the state, it gives you the details. Remember the details? Where the devil lives? This allows you to see that the fact that we are doing well doesn't mean that there isn't still work to do.

And yet.....
We are THE most expensive health care market in America at $6,683 per captita, and we have one of the the highest costs of insurance in the country ($11,435 per year). It is sad to see that, at best, 22.8% of families report that they cannot access needed behavioral health services (32.4% in Massachusetts, making us #8 in the country). Only 60% of our families (#3 in the country) report that they have a medical home. Our needs reflect national needs- we need access to medical homes, behavioral health services and we need to do something about the everrising costs of health care. This suggests that our efforts to improve, in these areas represent the right focus for our state.
When you are number 4, you have to try harder.