Thursday, May 29, 2008

The AAP Weighs In on Hearts and ADHD: Told You They Would Fix It

New AAP Policy Statement Addresses Cardiovascular Monitoring and
Stimulant Drugs for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

(Posted May 28, 2008)

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is providing an early release of a new policy statement entitled "Cardiovascular Monitoring and Stimulant Drugs for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)." This statement will be published later in Pediatrics. The AAP policy statement was developed in response to a scientific statement published by the American Heart Association (AHA) in the May 6, 2008 issue of the journal Circulation recommending that children taking stimulant medications for ADHD receive an ECG (an online version was published April 21, 2008).

The AAP does not recommend screening ECGs unless the patient's history, family history or the physical examination raises concerns. Listed below is the new AAP statement, the original AHA scientific statement, the erratum to the AHA statement, and an AAP/AHA clarification statement.

1) AAP Policy Statement on Cardiovascular Monitoring and Stimulant Drugs for AD/HD

2) AHA Scientific Statement on Cardiovascular Monitoring of children and adolescents with heart disease receiving stimulant drugs

3) Erratum to the AHA Scientific Statement on Cardiovascular Monitoring of Children and Adolescents with Heart Disease Receiving Stimulant Drugs

4) AP/AHA Clarification Statement on Cardiovascular Evaluation and Monitoring of Children and Adolescents with Heart Disease receiving Medication for ADHD [press release]

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