I am actually working on something in my own voice, but the meantime, I will keep posting other people's stuff. Here's an opportunity to improve your communication skills and get paid for it from
Liz Rider MSW, MD, an excellent teacher at Harvard. Beside, I am a sucker for impressionist paintings (anyone identify the artist?)

We are pleased to invite your participation in a skills training program and study, "Emotional and Psychosocial Issues in Children and Families: Pediatrics for the New Millennium," that evidence shows will enhance your ability to evaluate and manage emotional and psychosocial problems commonly seen in pediatric practice with children, adolescents and their families.
Program benefits:
- Enhance your skills with pediatric patients and their families
- Learn the art of the mental health referral and develop resource materials
- An opportunity to interact and to discuss difficult cases with colleagues
- A stipend of $1400.00 to those who complete the program
- 35.5 CME credits (AMA Category 1, including 5.5 risk management credits) applied for
- Monthly dinner and seminar
Faculty: Elizabeth A. Rider, MSW, MD, FAAP; Howard S. King, MD, MPH, FAAP; Julia Swartz, MSW, LICSW, CEIS; David Robinson, EdD
Deadline for applications is November 15, 2008. The course starts January 28, 2009.
For more information and to apply online, click here
To see the announcement, click here
If you have questions, please contact Howard King, MD, MPH
*I think it is Mary Cassatt's work, isn't it?